Jumat, 27 April 2012
A. DEFINITION OF HUMANHuman being or person can be interpreted differently according to biological, spiritual and cultural terms, or a mixture. Biologically, humans are classified as Homo sapiens (Latin for human language), a primate species of mammal groups comes highly capable brain. In terms of spirituality, they are described using the concept of a varied life in which, in religion, understood in relation to the divine power or beings; in myth, they are also often compared to other races. In the anthropology of culture, they are described based on the usage of the language, their organizations in the community majemukserta technological developments, and particularly by their ability to form groups and institutions to support and help each other.The main classification of human beings is based on their gender. Naturally, the sex of a newborn child whether male atauperempuan. Of young men known as the sons and men as men. Of young women known as adult women as girls and women.Other classifications are based on age, ranging from fetuses, infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, puberty, youth, adults, and people tua.Nilai humanitarian values is a matter that can humanize humans or it can be said also return to the human nature, that human values.Humans are the most perfect creature ever created by Allah SWT. Perfection possessed by humans is a consequence of their functions and duties as caliph on earth.Some Definitions of Man:A. Human beings are the primary, ie, among all the natural and supernatural creatures, humans have a soul which is free and noble nature of nature.2. Man is a free will. This incredible strength and can not be explained: the will in the sense that humanity has entered into a chain of causality as the main source of which is free - her-world of the natural world, nature, history and society totally dependent, as well as continuously intervene in and act on this deterministic sequence. Two existential determination, freedom and choice, has given a quality such as Lord3. Human beings who are conscious. This is the most prominent quality; consciousness in the sense that through the power of reflection which is amazing, he understood the actuality of the external world, revealing the hidden secrets of the observations, and to analyze their reality and events. He did not remain on the surface of the multi-sensory and effect, but to observe what is outside sensing and infer cause from effect. Thus he crossed the line penginderaannya and extend the time to bond to the past and future, into the time who did not attend objectively.4. Human beings who are self-aware. This means that he is the living satuna who have knowledge of his own presence: he was able to learn, that analyze, identify and assess themselves.5. Humans are creative beings. Creative aspects of his behavior as a whole is to separate himself from nature, and placed it by God. This causes the man to have miraculous powers-quasi-pseudo-miracolous-who gave him the ability to pass through the natural parameters of existence itself, given the extent and depth of existential which is infinite, and put it in a position to enjoy what nature has not been given.CHAPTER II
1.Teori evolution by Jean Lamarck• organic evolution occurs due to changes caused by environmental influences can be derived.• Organ undergoing changes due to continuous use will grow more and more perfect and no longer needed organs gradually decreased and finally rudiment development or atrophy..
2. The theory of evolution by Charles Darwin• The species that exist today are descended from earlier species.• Natural selection is the mechanism determining the course of evolution.Natural selection is the pure idea of Darwin. While the first theory above has been around since ancient Greek jama, only to explain Darwin is more sharp and detailed.
The characteristics of the evolutionary processA. Evolution is a change in the population rather than individual changes.2. The changes only the frequency of certain genes, while the majority of genes did not change.3. Evolution requires genetic drift as the raw material. In other words there must be a genetic change in evolution.4. Directed by evolutionary changes in the environment, so there should be a steering factor is the change in the selective evolution.
The theory of evolution is a theory that living things in the past, adapting and changing shape his body parts. usually, this process occurs in a very long time. This process is called evolution.
The theory of evolution says that man is descended from hominids. Hominids are living things that have characteristics between humans and apes. Many hominid fossils are scattered all over the world. The oldest hominid fossil ever found is Australopithecus africanus. This hominid found in Africa. Australopithecus had a brain capacity of 450 cc. These hominids could walk upright. Upright position is very important because, this position provides several advantages for these hominids. An example of this hominid was able to see objects in the distance and he was able to move the weight to the hands.
About 2 million years ago, there was Homo habilis, the species is thought to be descended from Australopithecus africanus. Homo habilis is the ability to make crude tools of stone and animal bone. They last up to about 1.5 million years ago. Then, they were replaced by Homo Erectus.
Homo erectus is a hominid species that is most likely a descendant of Homo habilis. Homo erectus had a larger brain capacity than Homo habilis. They've Mamou make equipment more subtle and neat from the rocks and animal bones.Then, Homo neanderthalensis Homo erctus lower. Homo neanderthalensis lived in caves and have been able to bury the dead. In some areas, they can last up to 40,000 years ago. However, they are extinct passage and replaced Homo sapiens, modern humans.
That was stated by the theory of evolution of human history. However, this is very contrary to what has been written in the Koran. In the Qur'an is written that man had created a perfect shape with no deficiencies at all.• The Origin of Man in IslamWe as a people who recognize and believe that the six pillars of faith, then it is appropriate that we recognize that the Qur'an is the only literature that the most correct and the global nature of science."The Book (Qur'an) in no doubt; guidance for those who fear (that) those who believe in the supernatural ....." (Surat al-Baqarah (2): 2-3)With attention to these verses, we should not be discouraged to deal with people who deny the truth of statements about human origins. This is because they do not have the main elements described in the Qur'an Faith in the unseen. It actually appears also in the statements issued by them in outlining the problem is always preceded by the word possible, expected, and so on. So actually the ilmuwanpun hesitant about what they reveal.• Stages of human events:1) The First Man Genesis (Adam)Described in the Qur'an that Adam was created by God from the dry soil is then formed by God with the best possible shape. Once complete it is by God's spirit blows him then he came alive. This is confirmed by God in His Word:"What makes something that He has created his best, and started the creation of man from clay." (Qur'an (32): 7)2) Process of Human Second Genesis (Eve)Basically everything that is created by God in this world are always in pairs. So it is with humans, God wills to be a friend lawanjenisnya create life (wife). This is described by God in one of his word sati:"Glory to God who has created all the pairs, both of what is grown by the earth and of themselves and of what they do not know" (Surah Yaasiin (36): 36)3) The Third Man Genesis (all descendants of Adam and Eve)The third man is the incidence of occurrence of all descendants of Adam and Eve except the Prophet Isa as In addition to this process can be reviewed according to the Koran and Hadith can also be medically reviewed.In the Qur'an the biological process of human events dejelaskan in detail through his word:"And indeed We created man from a quintessence (derived) from the ground. Then We placed him as semen (stored) in a solid place (the womb). Then We made the semen of a blood clot, then a blood clot that we make a lump of flesh, and that We made a lump of flesh bones, then We wrap the bones with flesh. Kamudian We made it a creature (form) else. So it be to Allah Almighty, Creator of the Most Good. " (Surah Al Mu'minuun (23): 12-14).
Biologically, humans are classified as Homo sapiens (Latin for human language), a primate species of mammal groups comes highly capable brain. Humans are the most perfect creature ever created by Allah SWT. Perfection possessed by humans is a consequence of their functions and duties as caliph on earth.The theory of evolution is a theory that living things in the past, adapting and changing shape his body parts. usually, this process occurs in a very long time. This process is called evolution.
However, this is very contrary to what has been written in the Koran. In the Qur'an is written that man had created a perfect shape with no deficiencies at all.Al Qur'an is the only literature that the most correct and the global nature of science.
A. DEFINITION OF HUMANHuman being or person can be interpreted differently according to biological, spiritual and cultural terms, or a mixture. Biologically, humans are classified as Homo sapiens (Latin for human language), a primate species of mammal groups comes highly capable brain. In terms of spirituality, they are described using the concept of a varied life in which, in religion, understood in relation to the divine power or beings; in myth, they are also often compared to other races. In the anthropology of culture, they are described based on the usage of the language, their organizations in the community majemukserta technological developments, and particularly by their ability to form groups and institutions to support and help each other.The main classification of human beings is based on their gender. Naturally, the sex of a newborn child whether male atauperempuan. Of young men known as the sons and men as men. Of young women known as adult women as girls and women.Other classifications are based on age, ranging from fetuses, infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, puberty, youth, adults, and people tua.Nilai humanitarian values is a matter that can humanize humans or it can be said also return to the human nature, that human values.Humans are the most perfect creature ever created by Allah SWT. Perfection possessed by humans is a consequence of their functions and duties as caliph on earth.Some Definitions of Man:A. Human beings are the primary, ie, among all the natural and supernatural creatures, humans have a soul which is free and noble nature of nature.2. Man is a free will. This incredible strength and can not be explained: the will in the sense that humanity has entered into a chain of causality as the main source of which is free - her-world of the natural world, nature, history and society totally dependent, as well as continuously intervene in and act on this deterministic sequence. Two existential determination, freedom and choice, has given a quality such as Lord3. Human beings who are conscious. This is the most prominent quality; consciousness in the sense that through the power of reflection which is amazing, he understood the actuality of the external world, revealing the hidden secrets of the observations, and to analyze their reality and events. He did not remain on the surface of the multi-sensory and effect, but to observe what is outside sensing and infer cause from effect. Thus he crossed the line penginderaannya and extend the time to bond to the past and future, into the time who did not attend objectively.4. Human beings who are self-aware. This means that he is the living satuna who have knowledge of his own presence: he was able to learn, that analyze, identify and assess themselves.5. Humans are creative beings. Creative aspects of his behavior as a whole is to separate himself from nature, and placed it by God. This causes the man to have miraculous powers-quasi-pseudo-miracolous-who gave him the ability to pass through the natural parameters of existence itself, given the extent and depth of existential which is infinite, and put it in a position to enjoy what nature has not been given.CHAPTER II
1.Teori evolution by Jean Lamarck• organic evolution occurs due to changes caused by environmental influences can be derived.• Organ undergoing changes due to continuous use will grow more and more perfect and no longer needed organs gradually decreased and finally rudiment development or atrophy..
2. The theory of evolution by Charles Darwin• The species that exist today are descended from earlier species.• Natural selection is the mechanism determining the course of evolution.Natural selection is the pure idea of Darwin. While the first theory above has been around since ancient Greek jama, only to explain Darwin is more sharp and detailed.
The characteristics of the evolutionary processA. Evolution is a change in the population rather than individual changes.2. The changes only the frequency of certain genes, while the majority of genes did not change.3. Evolution requires genetic drift as the raw material. In other words there must be a genetic change in evolution.4. Directed by evolutionary changes in the environment, so there should be a steering factor is the change in the selective evolution.
The theory of evolution is a theory that living things in the past, adapting and changing shape his body parts. usually, this process occurs in a very long time. This process is called evolution.
The theory of evolution says that man is descended from hominids. Hominids are living things that have characteristics between humans and apes. Many hominid fossils are scattered all over the world. The oldest hominid fossil ever found is Australopithecus africanus. This hominid found in Africa. Australopithecus had a brain capacity of 450 cc. These hominids could walk upright. Upright position is very important because, this position provides several advantages for these hominids. An example of this hominid was able to see objects in the distance and he was able to move the weight to the hands.
About 2 million years ago, there was Homo habilis, the species is thought to be descended from Australopithecus africanus. Homo habilis is the ability to make crude tools of stone and animal bone. They last up to about 1.5 million years ago. Then, they were replaced by Homo Erectus.
Homo erectus is a hominid species that is most likely a descendant of Homo habilis. Homo erectus had a larger brain capacity than Homo habilis. They've Mamou make equipment more subtle and neat from the rocks and animal bones.Then, Homo neanderthalensis Homo erctus lower. Homo neanderthalensis lived in caves and have been able to bury the dead. In some areas, they can last up to 40,000 years ago. However, they are extinct passage and replaced Homo sapiens, modern humans.
That was stated by the theory of evolution of human history. However, this is very contrary to what has been written in the Koran. In the Qur'an is written that man had created a perfect shape with no deficiencies at all.• The Origin of Man in IslamWe as a people who recognize and believe that the six pillars of faith, then it is appropriate that we recognize that the Qur'an is the only literature that the most correct and the global nature of science."The Book (Qur'an) in no doubt; guidance for those who fear (that) those who believe in the supernatural ....." (Surat al-Baqarah (2): 2-3)With attention to these verses, we should not be discouraged to deal with people who deny the truth of statements about human origins. This is because they do not have the main elements described in the Qur'an Faith in the unseen. It actually appears also in the statements issued by them in outlining the problem is always preceded by the word possible, expected, and so on. So actually the ilmuwanpun hesitant about what they reveal.• Stages of human events:1) The First Man Genesis (Adam)Described in the Qur'an that Adam was created by God from the dry soil is then formed by God with the best possible shape. Once complete it is by God's spirit blows him then he came alive. This is confirmed by God in His Word:"What makes something that He has created his best, and started the creation of man from clay." (Qur'an (32): 7)2) Process of Human Second Genesis (Eve)Basically everything that is created by God in this world are always in pairs. So it is with humans, God wills to be a friend lawanjenisnya create life (wife). This is described by God in one of his word sati:"Glory to God who has created all the pairs, both of what is grown by the earth and of themselves and of what they do not know" (Surah Yaasiin (36): 36)3) The Third Man Genesis (all descendants of Adam and Eve)The third man is the incidence of occurrence of all descendants of Adam and Eve except the Prophet Isa as In addition to this process can be reviewed according to the Koran and Hadith can also be medically reviewed.In the Qur'an the biological process of human events dejelaskan in detail through his word:"And indeed We created man from a quintessence (derived) from the ground. Then We placed him as semen (stored) in a solid place (the womb). Then We made the semen of a blood clot, then a blood clot that we make a lump of flesh, and that We made a lump of flesh bones, then We wrap the bones with flesh. Kamudian We made it a creature (form) else. So it be to Allah Almighty, Creator of the Most Good. " (Surah Al Mu'minuun (23): 12-14).
Biologically, humans are classified as Homo sapiens (Latin for human language), a primate species of mammal groups comes highly capable brain. Humans are the most perfect creature ever created by Allah SWT. Perfection possessed by humans is a consequence of their functions and duties as caliph on earth.The theory of evolution is a theory that living things in the past, adapting and changing shape his body parts. usually, this process occurs in a very long time. This process is called evolution.
However, this is very contrary to what has been written in the Koran. In the Qur'an is written that man had created a perfect shape with no deficiencies at all.Al Qur'an is the only literature that the most correct and the global nature of science.
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