Jumat, 27 April 2012
A. BackgroundA Chinese philosopher; Lao Chai, once said that a journey of many miles begins with one step. Step called the philosopher's man is none other than anthropology. What the hell is it called the Anthropology? Some or even many people may have never heard of it. Some people may have ideas about anthropology is obtained through a variety of media both print and electronic media. Some others may even have read the literature, literature or writings about anthropology.Many people think that the experts of Anthropology is a scientist who is only interested in the relics of the past; Antroplogi work unearthed the remains of past life to get the old broken urns, tools of stone and then try to make sense of what it finds it. Another view of the associate anthropology with the theory of evolution and the disregard of the Creator's work in studying the emergence and development of human beings. People who have very strong views on the creation of man from the point of religion and protects even forbid their children from Antroplogi and doctrines. In fact there are many lay people who think if it worked or studied Anthropology people are strange and exotic living in remote areas where they still practice the habits that are foreign to the general public.All views on this Antroplogi science at some level is true, but as it is a story about some blind people who want to know how the shape of an elephant, where each person is only touched certain parts so that their assumption about the shape of an elephant and even then a variety of , occurs also in Anthropology. Views based on fragmentary information that has led to a lack of understanding in the general public about what it actually Anthropology. Anthropology is interested in the past. They want to know about human origins and development, and they also learned societies which are still simple (often referred to as primitive). But now also studying anthropology of human behavior in public places such as restaurants, hospitals, and in places other modern business. They are also interested in other forms of government or a modern country that is now the same attraction as they learn the forms of simple government that occurred in the past or is still happening in communities in remote areas.
B. Problem formulationBased on the explanation on the above background, the issues to be discussed in this paper is how the development of anthropology in relation to cultural development.
C. PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to find out how the development of anthropology in relation to cultural development.
D. BenefitThe benefits of writing this paper is a venue for us to develop insights related to the development of anthropology in relation to cultural development.
A. Definition of AnthropologyAnthropology comes from the word anthropos meaning "man" and logos meaning science. Anthropologists study humans as social beings as well as biological creatures, so anthropology is a branch of social science that studies the culture of a particular ethnic community. Anthropology begins with birth or emerging interest of the Europeans who see the physical characteristics, customs, cultures are different from what is known in Europe. Anthropology formed through several phases. Anthropology is more focused on people who are single people, single in the sense of unity of the people who live the same area, like anthropology to sociology sociology but more focused on community and social life.According to William A. Haviland, anthropology is the study of humanity, have tried to make useful generalizations about human behavior and to obtain a complete understanding of human diversity. While David Hunter gave his opinion that anthropology is a science that was born from an infinite curiosity about the human race. Koentjaraningrat further stated anthropology is the study of mankind in general by studying the different colors, the physical form of society and culture are produced.From the definition, can be constructed simple understanding of anthropology, a science which studies human diversity in terms of physical and cultural (ways of behaving, traditions, values) are generated so that every human being from one to another is different.
B. Definition of CultureCulture is defined as the whole of human knowledge as a social creature who used to understand and interpret the environment and his experience, as well as a foundation for his behavior. Thus, culture is a set of rules, guidelines, plans, and strategies that consist of a series of cognitive models that possessed by humans, and used selectively in the face of the environment, as manifested in the behavior and actions -actions.Culture can be defined as an overall knowledge of humans as social beings who are used to understand and interpret the environment and experiences, as well as serve as guidelines for behavior.As knowledge, culture is an idea that there are units in the human head and not a symptom (which consists of human behavior and the behavior). As a unit of ideas, culture consists of a set of values, norms which contains prohibitions to perform an action in the face of a social, cultural, and natural, and contains a series of concepts and models of knowledge about the various actions and behavior that should be embodied by his supporters in the face of a social environment, culture, and nature. So these values are selective in their use in accordance with the environment faced by the supporters.From several sides, the culture can be viewed as: (1) Knowledge is believed to be true by the people who have the culture, (2) Culture is owned by a human society, not the area or place that has a culture but it is people who have a culture, (3) As the knowledge believed to be the truth, culture is a deep and comprehensive guidelines fundamental to people's lives are concerned, (4) As a guideline for life, culture and behavior are distinguished from the behavior, because behavior is realized by reference to or based on the culture that belongs to the actors concerned .
C. Anthropology and Cultural RelationshipsCulture or cultural word is a word often associated with anthropology. Certainly, the Anthropology does not have the exclusive right to use this term. Artists such as dancers or painters also use the term or terms associated with it, even the government also has a department for this. This concept is very often used by Anthropology and whole communities that have been spread Anthropology working or researching what is often called a culture. This term often used by Anthropology in work-work that does not mean the experts Antropolgi have the same sense of the term. An anthropology expert who tried to collect the definition has ever made to say there are about 160 definitions of culture are created by experts of Anthropology. But of the many definitions there is a mutual agreement among experts about the meaning of Anthropology of the term. One definition of culture in anthropology created an expert named Ralph Linton who gives a different definition of culture with the notion of culture in everyday life: "Culture is a whole way of life of the community and not only about the part the way of life are considered higher and more desirable ".Thus, culture refers to the various aspects of life. This term includes measures apply, beliefs and attitudes, and also the result of human activity which is typical for a community or specific population groups.Like all scientific concepts, concepts related to some aspects of culture "out there" who want to be examined by a scientist. Cultural concepts are created to help researchers in doing his job so he knows what must be learned. One of the things to consider in the study of Anthropology is the differences and similarities of human beings with human beings instead of like a chimpanzee or an orangutan who has many physical similarities. How does the concept of culture helps in comparing these creatures? A very important issue here is the ability to learn from a variety of living things. Bees do activities day after day, month after month and year after year in the same form. Every kind of bee has a specific job and perform their activities regardless of continually changing the surrounding environment. Kept busy worker bees gather honey for the colony. This behavior is hard-wired into their genes that change is very slow in following changes in the surrounding environment. Changes in behavior of bees eventually have to wait for a change in its genes. The result is the behavior of bees to be inflexible. In contrast to humans, human behavior is very flexible. This occurs because the extraordinary ability of humans to learn from experience. True that man is not too special in the study because there were other creatures who are able to learn, but the ability to learn from a very extraordinary man, and anything else that is also very important is the ability to adapt to what they have learned it.
A. Development of AnthropologyAs well as Sociology, Anthropology as a science is also experiencing the stages in its development. Koentjaraninggrat up the development of anthropology into four phases as follows:A. The first phase (before the 1800's)About a century 15-16, European nations began to compete to explore the world. Starting from Africa, America, Asia, down to Australia. In exploration they are finding new things. They also encounter a lot of tribes that are foreign to them. Adventure stories and then they record their findings in a diary or travel journal. They recorded everything connected with foreign tribes. Ranging from physical characteristics, culture, social order, or the language of the tribe. Materials that contain descriptions of foreign tribes became known as etnogragfi materials or description of the nations.Ethnographic materials that attract the attention of students in Europe. Then, at the beginning of the 19th century European attention to ethnographic materials outside the European interest from a scientific standpoint, it becomes very large. Therefore arises as efforts to integrate the entire set of ethnographic materials.2. Phase Two (the 1800's)In this phase, the ethnographic materials have been compiled into essays on the evolution of thinking at the time. society and culture evolved slowly and in a long time. They consider non-European peoples as primitive peoples left behind, and think of Europe as a nation of high cultureIn this phase, Antopologi academic purpose, they studied primitive societies and cultures in order to gain an understanding of the levels of the history of human culture.3. The third phase (early 20th century)In this phase, in European countries competing to build colonies on other continents such as Asia, America, Australia and Africa. In order to establish the colonies, there were many obstacles such as the attacks of native peoples, the uprisings, the weather is less suitable for Europeans and other obstacles. In the deal, the European colonial governments tried to find indigenous disadvantage and then defeated him. For that they begin to learn about the ethnographic materials tribes outside of Europe, studying the culture and habits, for the benefit of the colonial government.4. The fourth phase (after 1930's)In this phase, Anthropology growing rapidly. Cultures of indigenous tribes who invaded the nation in Europe, began to disappear from affected European culture.At this period also witnessed a major war in Europe, World War II. This war brought many changes in people's lives and bring most of the countries in the world to total destruction. Destruction it generates poverty, social inequality, and endless misery.But at that moment, the spirit of nationalism emerging nations that colonized Europe to get out of the shackles of colonialism. Some of these nations succeeded them. But many people who still harbored a grudge against the Europeans who have been oppressing them for years.The processes of change is causing concern anthropology is no longer directed to the rural population outside of Europe, but also to the tribes in remote areas of Europe such as ethnicity Soami, Flam and Lapp.In fact, human beings Anthropology learn all who have ever lived at all times and all places on earth. Human beings are just one of many forms of sentient life on this earth is estimated to occur more than 4 billion years ago.Anthropology is not the only science which studies human. Other sciences such as political science which studies human political life, economic science which studies human economy or science of physiology that studies the human body and many other ilmuilmu, are also study humans. But science does not learn or see people as a whole or in science called the Holistic Anthropology, as is done by Anthropology. Anthropology seeks to look at all aspects of human beings themselves at all times and in all places, such as: What is generally shared by all humans? In what ways are they different? Why do they behave, behavior like that? These are all some examples of the fundamental questions in the study of anthropology.
B. Socio-Cultural AnthropologySocio-Cultural Anthropology, or more commonly referred to Cultural Anthropology in touch with what is often referred to Ethnology. This science study of human behavior, either individual behavior or group behavior. Behavior is learned here is not the only activity that can be observed by the eye alone, but also what is in their minds. In humans, this behavior depends on the learning process. What they do is the result of the learning process is performed by man throughout his life consciously or unconsciously. They learn how to behave in a way, this behavior modeled or learned from the generation above and also from the natural environment and social surroundings. Here's what experts called a cultural anthropology. Culture of human groups, whether small group or large group that is the special object of these studies Social and Cultural Anthropology. In the development of Social-Cultural Anthropology is split again into other forms of specialization or specialization adapted to the field of study that studied or researched. Antroplogi Law who studies the forms of law in social groups or economic anthropology that studies the symptoms as well as other forms of economy in the communities are two examples of the many forms spesialasi in Socio-Cultural Anthropology.Culture is owned by a man also had a way of learning. He is not inherited through the inheritance of biological or genetic element. This needs to be emphasized to distinguish human behavior-driven culture with the behavior of other creatures that his behavior is driven by instinct.When a new born, all human behavior is driven olen nascent instinct and instinct. Instinct or the instinct is not included in the culture, but the influence of culture. An example is the need for food. Eating is a basic need that is not included in the culture. But how these needs are met; what to eat, how to eat is part of the culture. All humans need to eat, but the different cultures of the human-led group that perform the basic activities in different ways. An example is the current way of eating. In those days people used to eat just by using his hands only, directly feeding the food into his mouth, but the way it slowly changed, people began to use simple tools and a wooden spoon to scoop out the food and now the device is made of many materials. So also the place where the man is eating. First humans to eat disembarang place, but now there are special places where food is eaten. This is all happening because humans learn or imitate something that is done by the previous generation or the surrounding environment are considered good and useful in life.The opposite behavior is driven by the instinct is not learned. Ant who is said to be social not be said to have culture, although they have a regular behavior. They divided the work, make a nest and have the invading army that everything is done without ever being taught or without ever mimicking of other ants. Such behavior patterns are genetically inherited.
C. Effect of Culture in Development AnthropologyIn order to be regarded as a culture, the habits of an individual should be held together by a group of people. Anthropology experts confine themselves to the opinion of a group has a culture if the citizens have in common a number of patterns of thinking and behaving the same is obtained through the learning process.A culture can be formulated as a set of beliefs, values and way of force or habits are learned and shared by the residents of a community group. Understanding the community itself in Anthropology is a group of people who lived in an area and using a language that is usually not understood by neighboring residents.In every society, by its members developed a number of cultural patterns are ideal and these patterns tend to be reinforced by cultural restrictions. Cultural patterns of the ideal it contains things that are by most of society is recognized as a liability that must be done in certain circumstances. These patterns are commonly referred to as norms, Although we all know that not everyone in the culture always act like what they have patokkan together as the ideal thing. Because if the citizens always obey and follow the norms that exist in society there will be no so-called cultural restrictions. Some of the patterns are in fact different ideal with the actual behavior patterns of these have been ruled out by means of which the manner of the community.
A. ConclusionAnthropology is a branch of social science that studies the culture of a particular ethnic community. Anthropology begins with birth or emerging interest of the Europeans who see the physical characteristics, customs, cultures are different from what is known in Europe. Anthropology formed through several phases. Anthropology is more focused on people who are single people, single in the sense of unity of the people who live the same area, like anthropology to sociology sociology but more focused on community and social life. The development of anthropology consists of four stages, namely; Phase One (Before the 1800's)About a century 15-16, European nations began to compete to explore the world. Starting from Africa, America, Asia, down to Australia. In exploration they are finding new things. They also encounter a lot of tribes that are foreign to them. Adventure stories and then they record their findings in a diary or travel journal. Phase Two (the 1800's)In this phase, the ethnographic materials have been compiled into essays on the evolution of thinking at the time. society and culture evolved slowly and in a long time. They consider non-European peoples as primitive peoples left behind, and think of Europe as a nation of high culture The third phase (early 20th century)In this phase, in European countries competing to build colonies on other continents such as Asia, America, Australia and Africa. In order to establish the colonies, there were many obstacles such as the attacks of native peoples, the uprisings, the weather is less suitable for Europeans and other obstacles. Fourth Phase (after 1930's)In this phase, Anthropology growing rapidly. Cultures of indigenous tribes who colonized nations of Europe, began to disappear from affected European culture.
B. SuggestionAnthropology is very large role in the development of human life so hopefully all of us to always develop an insight and deepen understanding of the lives of people associated with anthropology.
Green, EC 1986 Practicing Development Anthropology. Boulder and London: Westview
Leonard Seregar. Of 2002. Antorpologi and the Concept of Culture. Cendrawasih University Press. Jayapura.
Masinambow, EKM (Ed) 1997 Koentjaraningrat and Anthropology in Indonesia, Jakarta: Indonesia and Anthropology Association Obor Indonesia.
Rhoades, RE 1986 Breaking New Ground: Agricultural Anthropology. In: Green Ed.
Suparlan, Pasurdi 1995 in Development Anthropology. Jakarta: UI Press
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTIONA. Background 1B. 2 Problem formulationC. Goal 3D. Benefits 3CHAPTER IIA. Definition of Anthropology 4B. Definition of Culture 5C. Anthropology and Cultural Relationships 6CHAPTER IIIA. Development of Anthropology 9B. Social and Cultural Anthropology 12C. Effect of Cultural Anthropology in Development 14CHAPTER III FINALA. Conclusion 16B. Suggestion 17
Praise and Gratitude to the Authors Say Presence of God Almighty because thanks to the abundance of His Mercy and Grace so I can prepare this paper on time. This paper focuses on the development of anthropology in relation to the development of culture.In the preparation of this paper, the author got a lot of challenges and obstacles but with the help of various parties that challenge can be overcome. By it, the authors thank profusely to all those who have assisted in the preparation of this paper, may help get rewarded from God Almighty.The author realized that the paper is still far from perfection both of form and material preparation. Constructive criticism from readers is the authors hope to improve further papers.Final words I hope this paper can provide a benefit to us all.
Pekanbaru, May 2011
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