Jumat, 27 April 2012
communication politic
A. pedahuluan
As the political process, the role of communication connecting the parts of the political system. Gabriel Almond (in Alfian, 1994) likens the communication as "blood flow" through which political messages in the form of demand, protest, support to the heart of the political system processing. The process of political communication that we see every day, directly or memalui electronic and printed mass media, a phenomenon that tends to always be served with no ethics, hard, or even lead to brutal. Meetings of representatives of the people (legeslatif), executive meetings ranging from central to local level is also violently and repeatedly transformed the arena so the driver never-ending debate. This is a totally political education does not educate the people of Indonesia. Unethical behavior of politicians, chair rise time of the hearing, fist-punch, do not behave properly representative of the people. That portrait of political communication in Indonesia recently.Political communicators, audiences of political communication, political massage delivered either directly or through mass media channels menghasilakan feedback effects and disturbing the public. Mass media as a channel of political communication was instrumental in giving color to the political communication in Indonesia. Would like to position ourselves as a conditioning or otherwise precisely positioned itself as a burner or make political communication is increasingly laden aroma of violence. Perhaps because of the political system has changed, the behavior seems to blaspheme one another is not a taboo anymore. All feel their opinion is the most correct themselves, so do not want to hear and appreciate the opinions of others.Prof. Tjipta Lesmana, mentions this phenomenon shows that Indonesia is not yet ready to implement liberal democracy. Democracy was interpreted as freedom of speech and freedom of expression that freely without limits.In fact, it has many pillars of democracy in which one of the pillars of it is law enforcement. Talk of democracy in itself should speak of the law. Growing phenomenon currently tend to adopt the law of the jungle and the law of violence, so that the stronger side will win automatically. If the phenomenon of violence continues, Indonesia will be very chaotic.The proceedings in the House Special Committee on Bank Century Inquiry increasingly open our inner eye of the stock appreciation of the importance of ethics in political communication Council. A number of incidents, or say a moment in the trial committee, also the style and flow of extracting information by its members many have been criticized as "lacking ethics describes mastery". This is the reality of our representatives: in addition to advances in performance, other facts emerged about ethical issues.Once we are disappointed by terlontarnya dirty vocabulary such as "bastard, Satan", and "insolent", there are also problems of understanding gestures and plot trial that invites criticism. The substance of the issues proposed to be extracted by the special committee and often seemed to shift into a kind of show of force, when some members tried to speak in the context of the attitude of the interests of his faction. And the public via live television, easy to read the trend.One might argue: what matters is his goal, achievement of the objectives of the committee than we are preoccupied by the public debates that are not substantially only on words, style, attitude, and gestures.But are fears of the emergence of "the tyranny of words", the "tyranny of style", or "tyranny gesture" to do the pressure to be neglected because of it? Certainly not, if we do not want to get caught up in euphoria as if the performance is only entitled to claim the truth of the members of the House.Models of communication with the speakers who were brought to the committee, in accordance with the theme of inquiry, of course tries to explore, investigate, with the deepening, deepening problems. Cecaran question then is certainly not a taboo by ethics. But that must be avoided is the tendency of judgment, and inference kesertamertaan by psychological pressures to those who called. This is where the true test of art and communication skills.Completeness ability of legislators, in things like this should be viewed as a basic requirement. Not an exaggeration of course requires skill that involves political communications if speech, maturity interact, and control the feelings. For a legislator who tend to be "quiet" in the trial, should be introspection as the ability to explore issues that are in-questionnaires to investigate the need of art through the mastery of the material and communication excellence.If only excels in cutting the conversation as if to demonstrate levels of aggressiveness, led the way to interrupt the trial, diverting the conversation from a series of deepening problems, process words and sentences but not in the frame let alone the substance of the issue, one that used to master the "stage" may be easy to do. Though terms of completeness it is aware of the subject matter, commitment to the substance, and will break down the problem.
A. Political Communication Ethics
process of political communication with the imaging process that is less educated, became a phenomenon nowadays. Politics salon (to borrow the term humanist M. Sobary) is one form of a wedge on the consolidation of our democracy. People's most elite hunters tricked back power, with businesses that tend machiavelistik or justify any means.
Salon is the pursuit of political power to influence the political image count or exactly as desired to form a certain opinion of the politician or party. Israr Iskandar (Padang Express, 1792008) says the problem is not just a matter of extravagant imagery, but the tendency of political manipulation that accompanies it. There is a tendency, political imagery that was built against the actual reality. Imaging allows the political elite past a dark gray or light. Who sells religious leaders for the sake of power can be imaged religious politicians. Pluralist sectarian figure can be displayed. Authoritarian figure could be as democratic as. If continued, a character that oppressed people can diopinikan firmly in policy implementation. Public officials are not doing anything for the welfare of the people during the public trust can assume diopinikan succeed. Candidates who do not clear track record and do not know the area of the local election to be imaged generous and caring home.
Goenawan Muhammad made a conclusion menyindir.Menurutnya, political life has been turned into stalls and stores, kiosks and showroom. A period which put the public opinion polls so the size is more important than truth. And an attractive appearance, is more effective than the achievement and social ideas that inspire. In many countries, the packaging or the ability to manage the image into an explanation of the most representative in many elections, the political phenomenon that mengutakan salon packaging is very troubling. Psychologically stagnant society can also be fascinated by all the political tricks that are now underway.In the current political context, may be applicable adage, smart people do not just take a fool, but also those stagnant. Do not be fooled, the public tends to compromise with the reality of the imaging results. Finally, the more a politician appearing in public spaces, with specific images, the formed image he wanted. For politicians, the sudden popularity was achieved through the hegemony of capital is certainly very useful, because when the public pencobolosan not have much choice.The process of communication and political imagery made politicians, whether institutional or individual, the more diverse and interesting, through various strategies such as: First, that is pure publicity popularize themselves through community activities with a natural social setting or what it is. In general, the party or candidate, took the opportunity to portray the so-called Nimmo (1993) as "political self" the politician. Second, free publicity ride the publicity by making use of or access to co-rode others popularize themselves. Featured speaker at a forum, sponsored social activities, participate in sporting events in an area and others.Third, tie-ins that take advantage of extraordinary publicity news (it was very unusual and outside). Eg tsunami, earthquake or flood. Candidates may self-image as a person or party who has a high social concern. An extraordinary event, has always been a major media coverage, so that participation in it is very profitable. Fourth, the publicity paid to popularize themselves through the purchase of a rubric or a program in mass media. For example, installation of advertorial, advertising, blocking time program, etc.. Along with that, politikagen imaging consultancy, serving the imaging project from upstream to downstream, from mapping the strengths and weaknesses of the client, public opinion surveys, the formulation of the concept of advertising, making tagline (slogan), advertising materials, placement of advertisements in the media, issues management , to the client's event, growing like mushrooms in the rainy season. Among them, Fox Indonesia, Advertising Hotline, PT. Survey Circle Indonesia, Finalpoint, etc..Form of imaging performed political split in two strategies, namely incumbent Challenger Vs. The first shows the achievement so it needs to be continued. The second shows the failures of government policy so that the theme of his campaign is to be replaced by a constitutional change. In that strategy, political imagery done to gain the sympathy and public confidence, through a variety of social action.Political development of this model is first due to the absence of political ethics at the elite level. In fact, in addition to the norm (law), democracy also requires the enactment of political fatsun. The rise of politicians "salonkemasan" mirror is also true of the work of the capitalist system that is consistent with liberal democracy. Unfortunately, the system of "democratic-capitalistic" in this country runs in the middle nihilnya implementation of ethics and norms. So do not be surprised, if then the power of capital is Digdaya mengintrerupsi politics. The pillars of democracy, like political parties, dominated by the rulers of capital.
Political position was ultimately as much as a mere political economic transactions. Politicians' salonkemasan "adopts clear" opportunistic pragmatism ".By relying on capital, corrupt system, and society is stagnant, they perform a variety of ways according to desired shape political imagery. They end up not only violate the limits of political ethics, but also common sense harassing the public. If symptoms are not examined carefully, then the public will be disappointed for the umpteenth time. Public policy that would be born not directly related to the increase in people's lives, even to the contrary. Indeed, there are layers of progressive politicians (old and new), armed with enough knowledge and idealism, about to represent the interests of local communities. Devoted to their expectations, not only to break the political stagnation, but pushed back the ideas of progress and implementation in the region. They are expected to establish synergies with the elements of civil society remains, even if they are a minority in the middle of the political and sociological reality we tend to turn off the idealism and political model that is responsible.
B. Ethics of political advertisingPolitical advertising is not just a promise and allure, but it contains an offer program guide, the public, as well as foster sincerity and trust. Political advertising is a strategy of image, civic education, and political strategy.
Basically the main purpose of political advertising is informative, persuasive, political advertising to inform voters that by choosing a particular candidate or party, the quality of their lives can change. Besides political ads can also create competition among the participants elections. Political ads are useful is that it can provide stimulation to the community in order to be intelligent and independent constituencies. So, for that political ads should be etis.Nah in terms of the ethics of political communication, this is what should be a primary concern of political advertising, which gives perspective to voters about what is conveyed by a political party or a candidate. But what often happens during the commercialization of this is politics without regard to political ethics. As the use of technology to manipulate ourselves by a false display or editing techniques (editing, adding or setting a script or alteration and rearrangement of a scene to create a false impression, visual dramatization, appearance, make-up, hair color, luster smile technological manipulation of the blocking informed electorates' ability to make rational choices.If seen in the context of Indonesia, there are unique characteristics in different political advertisement with another country that is a game of "word" and it has become a part of society with a strong oral tradition. This is rarely noticed by the political consultant in advertising because of the many ethics violations both in audio visual, character, and oral (promise promise to the people).
ConclusionMany in our country we see ethical violations in bepolitik politicians, it certainly does not reflect the oriental culture. Unethical behavior of politicians, chair rise time of the hearing, fist-punch, do not behave properly representative of the people. That portrait of political communication in Indonesia recently. By relying on capital, corrupt system, and society is stagnant, they perform a variety of ways according to desired shape political imagery. They end up not only violate the limits of political ethics, but also common sense harassing the public. Likewise with many ad violations, manipulation sehinnga many stupid people in bodohin by political elites as a representative of the people.
Haryatmoko, Drs. . Philosophy of Communication Ethics. , 2007. Canisius: Jakarta.
Copyright Ilo Aprilino iloaprilino@webmail.umm.ac.idhttp://iloaprilino.student.umm.ac.id/?p=44wijaja, AW.2000.Ilmu Komunikasi.jakarta: publisher copyright Rineka
As the political process, the role of communication connecting the parts of the political system. Gabriel Almond (in Alfian, 1994) likens the communication as "blood flow" through which political messages in the form of demand, protest, support to the heart of the political system processing. The process of political communication that we see every day, directly or memalui electronic and printed mass media, a phenomenon that tends to always be served with no ethics, hard, or even lead to brutal. Meetings of representatives of the people (legeslatif), executive meetings ranging from central to local level is also violently and repeatedly transformed the arena so the driver never-ending debate. This is a totally political education does not educate the people of Indonesia. Unethical behavior of politicians, chair rise time of the hearing, fist-punch, do not behave properly representative of the people. That portrait of political communication in Indonesia recently.Political communicators, audiences of political communication, political massage delivered either directly or through mass media channels menghasilakan feedback effects and disturbing the public. Mass media as a channel of political communication was instrumental in giving color to the political communication in Indonesia. Would like to position ourselves as a conditioning or otherwise precisely positioned itself as a burner or make political communication is increasingly laden aroma of violence. Perhaps because of the political system has changed, the behavior seems to blaspheme one another is not a taboo anymore. All feel their opinion is the most correct themselves, so do not want to hear and appreciate the opinions of others.Prof. Tjipta Lesmana, mentions this phenomenon shows that Indonesia is not yet ready to implement liberal democracy. Democracy was interpreted as freedom of speech and freedom of expression that freely without limits.In fact, it has many pillars of democracy in which one of the pillars of it is law enforcement. Talk of democracy in itself should speak of the law. Growing phenomenon currently tend to adopt the law of the jungle and the law of violence, so that the stronger side will win automatically. If the phenomenon of violence continues, Indonesia will be very chaotic.The proceedings in the House Special Committee on Bank Century Inquiry increasingly open our inner eye of the stock appreciation of the importance of ethics in political communication Council. A number of incidents, or say a moment in the trial committee, also the style and flow of extracting information by its members many have been criticized as "lacking ethics describes mastery". This is the reality of our representatives: in addition to advances in performance, other facts emerged about ethical issues.Once we are disappointed by terlontarnya dirty vocabulary such as "bastard, Satan", and "insolent", there are also problems of understanding gestures and plot trial that invites criticism. The substance of the issues proposed to be extracted by the special committee and often seemed to shift into a kind of show of force, when some members tried to speak in the context of the attitude of the interests of his faction. And the public via live television, easy to read the trend.One might argue: what matters is his goal, achievement of the objectives of the committee than we are preoccupied by the public debates that are not substantially only on words, style, attitude, and gestures.But are fears of the emergence of "the tyranny of words", the "tyranny of style", or "tyranny gesture" to do the pressure to be neglected because of it? Certainly not, if we do not want to get caught up in euphoria as if the performance is only entitled to claim the truth of the members of the House.Models of communication with the speakers who were brought to the committee, in accordance with the theme of inquiry, of course tries to explore, investigate, with the deepening, deepening problems. Cecaran question then is certainly not a taboo by ethics. But that must be avoided is the tendency of judgment, and inference kesertamertaan by psychological pressures to those who called. This is where the true test of art and communication skills.Completeness ability of legislators, in things like this should be viewed as a basic requirement. Not an exaggeration of course requires skill that involves political communications if speech, maturity interact, and control the feelings. For a legislator who tend to be "quiet" in the trial, should be introspection as the ability to explore issues that are in-questionnaires to investigate the need of art through the mastery of the material and communication excellence.If only excels in cutting the conversation as if to demonstrate levels of aggressiveness, led the way to interrupt the trial, diverting the conversation from a series of deepening problems, process words and sentences but not in the frame let alone the substance of the issue, one that used to master the "stage" may be easy to do. Though terms of completeness it is aware of the subject matter, commitment to the substance, and will break down the problem.
A. Political Communication Ethics
process of political communication with the imaging process that is less educated, became a phenomenon nowadays. Politics salon (to borrow the term humanist M. Sobary) is one form of a wedge on the consolidation of our democracy. People's most elite hunters tricked back power, with businesses that tend machiavelistik or justify any means.
Salon is the pursuit of political power to influence the political image count or exactly as desired to form a certain opinion of the politician or party. Israr Iskandar (Padang Express, 1792008) says the problem is not just a matter of extravagant imagery, but the tendency of political manipulation that accompanies it. There is a tendency, political imagery that was built against the actual reality. Imaging allows the political elite past a dark gray or light. Who sells religious leaders for the sake of power can be imaged religious politicians. Pluralist sectarian figure can be displayed. Authoritarian figure could be as democratic as. If continued, a character that oppressed people can diopinikan firmly in policy implementation. Public officials are not doing anything for the welfare of the people during the public trust can assume diopinikan succeed. Candidates who do not clear track record and do not know the area of the local election to be imaged generous and caring home.
Goenawan Muhammad made a conclusion menyindir.Menurutnya, political life has been turned into stalls and stores, kiosks and showroom. A period which put the public opinion polls so the size is more important than truth. And an attractive appearance, is more effective than the achievement and social ideas that inspire. In many countries, the packaging or the ability to manage the image into an explanation of the most representative in many elections, the political phenomenon that mengutakan salon packaging is very troubling. Psychologically stagnant society can also be fascinated by all the political tricks that are now underway.In the current political context, may be applicable adage, smart people do not just take a fool, but also those stagnant. Do not be fooled, the public tends to compromise with the reality of the imaging results. Finally, the more a politician appearing in public spaces, with specific images, the formed image he wanted. For politicians, the sudden popularity was achieved through the hegemony of capital is certainly very useful, because when the public pencobolosan not have much choice.The process of communication and political imagery made politicians, whether institutional or individual, the more diverse and interesting, through various strategies such as: First, that is pure publicity popularize themselves through community activities with a natural social setting or what it is. In general, the party or candidate, took the opportunity to portray the so-called Nimmo (1993) as "political self" the politician. Second, free publicity ride the publicity by making use of or access to co-rode others popularize themselves. Featured speaker at a forum, sponsored social activities, participate in sporting events in an area and others.Third, tie-ins that take advantage of extraordinary publicity news (it was very unusual and outside). Eg tsunami, earthquake or flood. Candidates may self-image as a person or party who has a high social concern. An extraordinary event, has always been a major media coverage, so that participation in it is very profitable. Fourth, the publicity paid to popularize themselves through the purchase of a rubric or a program in mass media. For example, installation of advertorial, advertising, blocking time program, etc.. Along with that, politikagen imaging consultancy, serving the imaging project from upstream to downstream, from mapping the strengths and weaknesses of the client, public opinion surveys, the formulation of the concept of advertising, making tagline (slogan), advertising materials, placement of advertisements in the media, issues management , to the client's event, growing like mushrooms in the rainy season. Among them, Fox Indonesia, Advertising Hotline, PT. Survey Circle Indonesia, Finalpoint, etc..Form of imaging performed political split in two strategies, namely incumbent Challenger Vs. The first shows the achievement so it needs to be continued. The second shows the failures of government policy so that the theme of his campaign is to be replaced by a constitutional change. In that strategy, political imagery done to gain the sympathy and public confidence, through a variety of social action.Political development of this model is first due to the absence of political ethics at the elite level. In fact, in addition to the norm (law), democracy also requires the enactment of political fatsun. The rise of politicians "salonkemasan" mirror is also true of the work of the capitalist system that is consistent with liberal democracy. Unfortunately, the system of "democratic-capitalistic" in this country runs in the middle nihilnya implementation of ethics and norms. So do not be surprised, if then the power of capital is Digdaya mengintrerupsi politics. The pillars of democracy, like political parties, dominated by the rulers of capital.
Political position was ultimately as much as a mere political economic transactions. Politicians' salonkemasan "adopts clear" opportunistic pragmatism ".By relying on capital, corrupt system, and society is stagnant, they perform a variety of ways according to desired shape political imagery. They end up not only violate the limits of political ethics, but also common sense harassing the public. If symptoms are not examined carefully, then the public will be disappointed for the umpteenth time. Public policy that would be born not directly related to the increase in people's lives, even to the contrary. Indeed, there are layers of progressive politicians (old and new), armed with enough knowledge and idealism, about to represent the interests of local communities. Devoted to their expectations, not only to break the political stagnation, but pushed back the ideas of progress and implementation in the region. They are expected to establish synergies with the elements of civil society remains, even if they are a minority in the middle of the political and sociological reality we tend to turn off the idealism and political model that is responsible.
B. Ethics of political advertisingPolitical advertising is not just a promise and allure, but it contains an offer program guide, the public, as well as foster sincerity and trust. Political advertising is a strategy of image, civic education, and political strategy.
Basically the main purpose of political advertising is informative, persuasive, political advertising to inform voters that by choosing a particular candidate or party, the quality of their lives can change. Besides political ads can also create competition among the participants elections. Political ads are useful is that it can provide stimulation to the community in order to be intelligent and independent constituencies. So, for that political ads should be etis.Nah in terms of the ethics of political communication, this is what should be a primary concern of political advertising, which gives perspective to voters about what is conveyed by a political party or a candidate. But what often happens during the commercialization of this is politics without regard to political ethics. As the use of technology to manipulate ourselves by a false display or editing techniques (editing, adding or setting a script or alteration and rearrangement of a scene to create a false impression, visual dramatization, appearance, make-up, hair color, luster smile technological manipulation of the blocking informed electorates' ability to make rational choices.If seen in the context of Indonesia, there are unique characteristics in different political advertisement with another country that is a game of "word" and it has become a part of society with a strong oral tradition. This is rarely noticed by the political consultant in advertising because of the many ethics violations both in audio visual, character, and oral (promise promise to the people).
ConclusionMany in our country we see ethical violations in bepolitik politicians, it certainly does not reflect the oriental culture. Unethical behavior of politicians, chair rise time of the hearing, fist-punch, do not behave properly representative of the people. That portrait of political communication in Indonesia recently. By relying on capital, corrupt system, and society is stagnant, they perform a variety of ways according to desired shape political imagery. They end up not only violate the limits of political ethics, but also common sense harassing the public. Likewise with many ad violations, manipulation sehinnga many stupid people in bodohin by political elites as a representative of the people.
Haryatmoko, Drs. . Philosophy of Communication Ethics. , 2007. Canisius: Jakarta.
Copyright Ilo Aprilino iloaprilino@webmail.umm.ac.idhttp://iloaprilino.student.umm.ac.id/?p=44wijaja, AW.2000.Ilmu Komunikasi.jakarta: publisher copyright Rineka
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