Selasa, 31 Januari 2012
Meaning and Urgency Distributions
A. Background
Islam as a system of life and is a universal religion because it includes all aspects of life both associated with economic, social, political and cultural. With the rapid study of the economic denganmaju islamsalah an important issue in kajianialah distribution problem.
Distibusi role as a pillar in the economic activities of society, companies and negara.Adapun the most important part is the field distribution in the economy. Distribution becomes an important position of economic theory in both the Islamic economic system and konfensional for discussion in the field of distribution is not only associated with mere economic aspects but also social and political aspects that concern for the flow of economic thinkers of Islamic and conventional till today.
From the above problems we want to discuss about the distribution in this paper with Islam viewed in perspective with the hadith-hadit rasullulah as support, therefore we agreed to give the title of this paper is: "Distribution and Hadith". So it can later be useful for the reader particular.
B. Problem formulation
This paper describes about how every Muslim to understand:
· What is distribution?
· Distribution systems?
· The distribution function?
· The purpose of distribution in Islam?
· Ethics of distribution?
° and the hadiths about the distribution?
C. Destination
1. To know the hadiths about the distribution.
2. To find out bagaimanamendistribusikan an item.
3. To implement the distribution of Islamic berekonomi life.
A. Meaning and Urgency Distributions
According to Dr. Muhammad ahmad ibrahim traits that characterize modern life, among others: those producing goods that do not spend their own, or things that they spend very little of him. And that they acquire the wealth that forced them to seek redemption. So there is a direct exchange is by barter, and there is also an indirect way by using some other items as the exchange, which is now called money. That was the one who called the sale and purchase. And still others by doing something that the agreement will menggembalikan or her worth in the future, and this is done with the state of mutual trust. And all values in the measure of money called the price (Muhsin Abdul Sulaiman Tahir, 1985; 144).
What is meant by distribution according to Tahir Abdul Muksin sulaiman (1985: 297), is the distribution of the population to individuals, or the distribution of income residents for every one of the factors of production. [1]
The distribution of the economic meaning of Islam is very broad, which includes the ownership arrangements of production elements and sources of wealth. Where Islam allow common ownership and possession of a special, and put each of the rules for obtaining and using them, and rules - rules for inheritance, grants and wills. As Islam also has a political economy in distibusi income, both among the elements - the elements of production and between individual communities and groups - group, in addition to the return distribution in the social security system presented in the teachings of Islam.
Due attention to the dangers of wealth distribution are not on the distribution of rights and fraud in the course of this true, then the priority themes of Islam with great concern the distribution of which appears in several phenomena, where the most important are as follows:
1) The number of Al-Quran and Hadith texts Nabawi which includes the theme by describing the distribution management system, appeal the commitment and his ways are best and warn the deviation from the true system.
2) Islamic Shari'a not only establishes the principle - the general principles for the distribution and return distribution, but also elaborates a clear and straightforward way of distributing wealth and resources.
3) The number and komperhensifnya distribution system and the way that upheld in Islam, whether by means pengharusan (mandatory) or voluntary (Sunnah)
4) The Qur'an describes the textual and explicit warnings about the purpose of differences in wealth, and anticipate the concentration of wealth in the minority.
Can we see the Word of God Surah Al-Hashr: 7
"What are the booty (fai-i) that God gave to His Apostle (of property) derived from the inhabitants of the cities then is for God, for the apostle, kinsfolk, orphans, poor people and people- people are on the way, that treasure is not circulated among the rich people among you. what the Messenger to you, then accept it. and what he forbids you, then leave. and fear Allah. Verily Allah is severe in punishment. "
5) In the economic jurisprudence Anhu Umar, a theme gets a large portion of the distribution described in its leadership, namely, in his words, "Verily I have left to you two things that will always be good for you in your commitment to both the fair in law, and fair in the distribution. "
Understanding other distribution.
What is meant by distribution adalahkegiatan channeling production of goods and services from producers to consumers in order to meet the needs manusia.Pihak who perform distribution activities referred to as distributors. [2]Examples of the activity distribution is the distribution of the crop farmers to the cities.
B. Distribution System
Bertujuanagar distribution system objects up to the consumer products smoothly, but must pay attention to the condition of producers and facilities available in the community, where a good distribution system will greatly support the activities of production and consumption.Dalampenyaluran products from producers to consumers, manufacturers can use several types of distribution systems can be grouped:
Direct distribution, where manufacturers distribute their products directly to consumers.
For example:
· Seller itinerant fried rice
· Fishermen sell their catch directly to consumers
· Farmers sell their eggs and meat cattle directly to consumers
Semi-direct distribution, where the distribution of manufactured goods from producers to consumers through an intermediary body (shop) owned by the producers themselves.
For example, the production of shoes sold to consumers through stores owned shoe factory itself.
Indirect distribution. In this system a manufacturer does not directly sell their products, either an object or service to the user but rather through an intermediary.
For example, farmers sell their farm to the Village Unit Cooperatives (KUD) who bought it with a base price according to market prices that farmers are protected from the practice of middlemen.
C. Distribution Function
Distribution function is performed by a legal entity or individual from the collection of goods by way of purchase from the manufacturer for distribution to consumers, based on these two distribution functions are divided into:
Exchange function, where marketing activities or the sale and purchase of goods or services which includes buying, selling, and risk-taking (to address the risk can be done to create conditions that warehousing well, that will insure the merchandise and is being done).
Provision of physical function, associated with providing the merchandise in the right amount covers the collection, storage, sorting, and transportation.
Supporting function, this is a function relating to the effort to provide facilities to other functions so that the distribution of activities run smoothly, this function includes services, procurement, information dissemination, and coordination.
D. Destination Distribution in Islamic Economics
Islamic economic system of distribution that comes with the realization of various objectives which include various areas of life, and follow the best in realizing political goals - goals. In general we can say that the system of economic distribution in the Islamic economic system and have contributed along with other Islamic political-in realizing some general-purpose Islamic Shari'a. Where the purpose of distribution in the economy are regrouped to Islamic propaganda purposes, educational, social and economic. Here are the most important thing into the goal is [3]:
First: The purpose of Da'wah
What is meant here is the da'wah da'wah to Islam and unite the hearts to him. Diantaranaya the most obvious example is the converts in the charity, which converts it adakalnya expected pagans prevented Islam or ugliness, or people who expected a strong Islamic Islam. As the distribution system in ghanimah danfa'i also has a clear mission objectives. [4]
On the other hand, that giving alms to the missionary converts also have an impact on the people who give charity itself.
For Allah says in the Word of God QS Ali Imran: 140
"If you (the battle of Uhud) got injured, verily the (infidel) and even then (at the battle of Badr) had a similar injury. and the (glory and destruction) that we pergilirkan among men (so they got a lesson), and that Allah may distinguish those who believe (to the disbelievers) that some of you made him (defaulter) martyrs' and God does not loves those who do wrong, "
Second: The Purpose of Education
Among the goals of education in the distribution is such that the word of God mentioned in Sura At-Taubah: 103
"Take alms from their wealth, the charity that you clean up [658] and purify [659] them and pray for them. Indeed prayer you that (a) peace for their souls. and Allah is All-Knowing hear again. "
[658] means: zakat it clears them from avarice and love of exaggeration to the property
[659] That is: charity that fosters the properties of goodness in their hearts and develop their property.
In general, the distribution in the perspective of Islamic economy can achieve some educational goals, where the most important are as follows:
a) The Education of morality, such as the love of giving, charity, and put other people first.
b) Purifying of despicable character, such as miserly, greedy and selfish (selfish).
Third: The purpose of Social
The most important social goals in the distribution are as follows:
1. Meet the needs of groups in need, and turn on the principle of solidarity in the Muslim community. Can be seen on the Word of God Surah Al Baqarah: 273
"donation to indigent persons who are bound in the way of Allah, they can not (try) on earth: those who do not know Rich Because people think they keep themselves from want-minta.kamu know them by looking at properties -nature, they do not ask the people on urgent basis. and whatsoever good thing ye spend (in Allah's way), then surely Allah is to move on. "
2. Strengthen the bond of love and affection among individuals and groups in society
3. Erode because - because of hatred in society, which will impact on the realization of security and peace of society, for example, that the unjust distribution of income and wealth will affect the poorest groups and regions, and increasing crime rate which affects the non tentraman.
4. Fairness in the distribution includes
a) The distribution of the sources of wealth
b) The distribution of revenue among the elements - elements of production
c) Distribution between existing community groups, and keadialan in the distribution among the current generation and generations to come.
Fourth: Economic Objectives
Distribution in Islamic economics has a goal - an important economic goals, among which the most important thing we can mention the following sperti:
1. Property development and cleaning, because the property owner when menginfakkan some property to someone else, either mandatory or sunnah infak, then so it will encourage him to invest his money so it will not run out because of zakat.
2. Empowering human resources who are unemployed with the unmet needs of the common property or preparation to carry out in economic activity. On the other hand, that the distribution system in the Islamic economy can eliminate factors - factors that inhibit a person from a stake in economic activity, such as debts that burdened shoulders of people - people who owed money or slave who is bound to be independent. So God made the charity section for people who owe and parts for bondsmen.
3. Role in realizing economic prosperity, in which the level of economic well-being associated with the level of consumption. While the level of consumption is not only related to the form of income, but also deals with how to distribute them among the individual communities. Therefore the study of how the distribution that can best realize the level of economic prosperity for the people is a necessity and inevitability.
We can see in Surat Al-Baqarah: 265
"And the likeness of those who spend their wealth seeking Allah's pleasure and Due to strengthen their souls, like a garden that is located in the High plains watered by rain, so the garden was producing its fruit twofold. if heavy rain does not water it, then light rain (even adequate). and Allah doth see all that ye do. "
Which means that people can dimaknakan - people who spend their wealth keridhoaan God and to strengthen their souls to the faith and worship - worship that other, as a form of training him, so that every human being continue to remain cautious to Allah SWT.
4. Best use of economic resources. For example when sebahagian the rich treasure kemashlahatan given to the poor, then the total benefit for income people are getting (jaribah bin Ahmad al-Harithi, 2006; 215-219).
E. Ethics Quran distribution in perspective.
In Islam, every person prohibited from piling-piling or hoarding-nimbun property. This prohibition is in addition to the consideration that the hoard and accumulate wealth is excessive and greedy attitudes, as well as the accumulation of wealth goods that can hamper the smooth flow of goods distribution, and this disturbing economic stability.
ويللكلهمزةلمزة (1) الذيجمعمالاوعدده (2) يحسبأنمالهأخلده (3)It means: "Woe to every slanderer and pecela who collects wealth and counted it counted: he thinks that his wealth would be able to perpetuate itself." (Surat al-Humazah, 104: 1-3).
As well as provide for spending of wealth must also be done by lawful way to spend the treasure in the way of Allah SWT. What is meant spending the treasure it is to use the treasure to eat something kebutuhan.Yang consumed, it may consist of food items, clothing, housing, jewelry, tools of production, and so forth. Goods that are consumed are all to be kosher, and how they obtained should also be permissible, for example through the purchase of legitimate.
In terms of wealth distribution, Islam has also outlined how the process and mechanism of distribution of wealth among all levels of society in order to create justice and welfare. Instrument distribution of wealth in Islam through a few rules, namely:1. Obligatory Muzakki (people who tithe) to pay zakat and given to the mustahiq (the person entitled to receive zakat), especially among the poor-poor.2. The right of every citizen to take advantage of public ownership. State reserves the right to manage optimally and efficiently, and distribute to the public in a fair and proportional.3. The division of state property such as land, goods and money as capital for the need.4. Granting the estate to his heir.5. The prohibition of gold and silver hoards have been issued even their zakat.
Enforcement of rules in a fair distribution of wealth will keep the possibility of transfer income inequality community members. On the one hand there is a chance and an opportunity for individuals who are creative and have the potential to be able to have the wealth in large numbers without having to make improper economic practices such as monopolies, corruption and so on, and on the other side will keep the country not to get community members can not afford.
F. Hadiths hadiths regarding the distribution
· Hadith regarding the ethics of distribution
عن سعيد بن المسيب عن معمر بن عبد الله العدوي, أن النبي قال: لا يحتكر إلا خاطئ. وكان سعيد يحتكر الزيت. (رواه أحمد ومسلم وأبو داود)
2947. From Sa'id ibn al Musayyab, from Ma'mar Al'Adawi bin Abdullah, that the Prophet SAW said,''no one is holding the goods (merchandise) except those who rebel (false).''Sa'id herself had been arrested of oil. (HR.Ahmad, Muslim, and Abu Daud) [5]
عن أبي هريرةرضي الله قال: قال رسول الله: من احتكر حكرة يريد أن يغلي بها على المسلمين فهو خا طئ. (رواه أحمد).
2949. From Abu Hurairah RA, he said,''Prophet SAW said, He who hold a good (trade) with the intention that it was expensive against the Muslims, then he has been disobedient.''(HR.Ahmad)
عن عمر قال: سمعت النبي يقول: من احتكر على المسلمين طعامهم, ضربه الله بالجذام والإ فلا س. (رواه ابن ماجه)
2950. From Umar, he said,''I heard the Prophet SAW said, anyone who is holding food (purpose) of the Muslims, then Allah will bring upon her losses and bankruptcies.''(HR.Ibnu Majah)
· Hadith of the distribution system
عن ابن مسعود قال: نهى النبي عن تلقي البيوع. (متفق عليه)
2841. From Ibn Mas'ud, he said,''The Prophet SAW forbade intercept merchandise (before it gets to market ).''( Agreed alaih) [6]
عن أبي هريرةرضي الله قال: نهى النبي أن يتلقى الجلب, فإن تلق إنسان فابتا عه, فصا حب السلعة فيها بالخيار إذا ورد السوق. (رواه الجماعة إلا البخاري)
2842. From Abu Hurairah RA, he said,''The Prophet SAW forbade intercept goods (from outside the area before reaching the market). If there is someone who stopped him and then buy it, then the owner of the goods has the right to vote (untukmelanjutkan transaction or not) when it has reached the market.''(HR.Jama 'ah except Al bukhari)
· Hadith regarding the terms of the distribution
عن عقبة بن عا مر قال: سمعت النبي يقول: المسلم أخو المسلم. لا يحل لمسلم باع من أخيه بيعا وفيه عيب إلا بينه له. (رواه ابن ماجه)
2935. From Uqbah bin Amir, he said,''I mendegar Prophet SAW said, a Muslim is the brother of other Muslims. Not permissible for a Muslim to sell an item to his brother who in it is flawed, but after he explained it to him.''(HR.Ibnu Majah) [7]
عن واثلة قال: قال رسول الله: لايحل لأ حد أن يبيع ثيئا إلا بين ما فيه, ولا يحل لآحد يعلم ذلك إلا بينه. (رواه أحمد)
2936. From watsilah, he said,''Prophet said,''it is not lawful for anyone to sell anything except after explaining his condition, and it is not lawful someone who knows about it unless he menjelaskanya.''(HR.Ahmad)
عن ابن عمررضي الله قال: نهى النبي أن يبيع حا ضر لباد. (رواه البخاري والنسائي)
2834. From Ibn Umar RA, he said,''The Prophet SAW forbade the city sell to the villagers.''(HR.Al Bukhari and An-Nasa'i) [8]
عن جابر, أن النبي قال: لايبع حا ضر لباد, دعوا الناس يرزق الله بعضهم من
بعض. (رواه الجماعة إلا البخاري)
2835. From Jabir, that the Prophet SAW said,''let not the city sell (merchandise) of the village. Let the people (to himself), in which God gives sustenance to those of some other part.''(Narrated by al-Jama'ah except Bukhari)
عن أنس قال: نهينا أن يبيع حاضر لباد, وإن كان أخاه لأ بيه وأمه. (متفق عليه)
2836. From Anas, he said,''we were banned, namely that the city does not sell to the villagers, even though he was his half-brother and Seibu.''(Agreed alaih)
عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: من ابتاع طعاما فلا يبعه حتى يستوفيه.
909. Ibn Abbas r.a. said that the Prophet said, anyone who buy food, do not sell it until he received it in full. [9]
· Hadith regarding the purpose of distribution.
حد يث ابي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه ان رسول الله صل الله عليه وسلم قال: لا تبيعواالذهب با لذهب ا لا بمثل, ولا تشفوا بعضها عل بعض, ولا تبيعوا ا لورق با لورقالا مثلا بمثل, ولا تشفوا بعضها عل بعض ولا تبيعوا منها غا ئبا بنا جز.
Meaning: Abi Sa'eed al-Hadith Kudri ra, that the Messenger of Allah said: "Do you all sell gold for gold unless the same situation, do you all prefer some over most yanglain, do you all sell silver for silver except the same situation, do not You preferred some above others, and do not all sell goods that are not visible with the price in cash. [10]
Thus the theme paper and titled "Distribution is delivered. The more we take away from sources of Islamic books by including many of the verses of the Qur'an and hadith prophet SAW and the opinions of some scholars of Islam. Hopefully this paper we are particularly useful for Muslims who continue to seek knowledge keridhoan certainly with Allah, better and less we apologize, Wassalaammualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
For every good Muslim should be borne in knowing what is forbidden by religion and what is recommended by the religion in distributing the products or needs that are used in society, be it goods, services, food, clothing, whatever its kind that need to be noticed in the distribution. Thus all what is rightfully as a distributor, may get a blessing from Allah, whether on earth again Hereafter.
· Muh. Said HM, Introduction to Islamic Economics, Suska Press, 2008
· Simple homepage
· Syaih Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Alu Mubarak, Nailul Authar, jakarta, azam library
· Al-Albani, Muhammad Nashiruddin, Summary of Sahih Bukhari, Jakarta: Gema Insani, 2008.
· Al-Albani, Muhammad Nashiruddin, Summary of Sahih Muslim, New York: Library Azam, 2006.
· Http://
[1] Drs. Moh.said, introduction to Islamic economics, (suska press: pekanbaru): 2008, p. 0.91 to 92
[2] Wikipedia homepage
[3] Drs. Moh.said, introduction to Islamic economics, (suska press: pekanbaru): 2008, p.93
[4] Ibid, Halm 93
[5] Syaih Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Alu Mubarak, Nailul Authar, jakarta, azam library, Halm 105-106
[6] Ibid, 39-40 Halm
[7] Ibid, 96-97 Halm
[8] Ibid, Halm 36
[9] Al-Albani, Muhammad Nashiruddin, summary Saheeh Muslim, Halm 436
[10] Bukhari, KitabJualBeli, Chapter TentangPenjualan Silver
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